Wednesday, 12 October 2011

The Plan to get me there.....

Well, two weeks into my new training plan and things started off pretty well.

I had to make a couple of tweaks to turnaround times and miss a couple of sessions due to work commitments and having to finish off some floor sanding at the house but week 1, all in all was pretty good.

The running legs are starting to come back, swimming is feeling stronger and I am enjoying being back on the bike.

However week two has thus far been a different story.

Work commitments have meant that so far this week I have had to miss 3 1/2 hours swimming, 4 1/2 hours running and a gym session. Combine this with a weekend off due to a coaching course and the week is pretty much a write off.

I did manage to sneak in a 25min run while away on business in London ( London bridge/tower bridge loop) but it was more running for running sake rather than a specific session as I just couldn't quite cram it in.

The training schedule I have put together for myself runs as follows:

8 1/2 hrs swim training including:
1hr specific big block 200m to 800m swims
1 hr recovey swim mid week (focus on bilat breathing and tech)
1hr Timetrial every 4 weeks with the other three of each block being tech specific.

5 to 6 hrs bike
Due to the weekends only really giving me enough time for bike sessions the aims are roughly as follows
1 x turbo set (depending upon fatigue levels)
1 x 3hr easy or high cadence session - just to get time on the bike at this stage
1 x race pace/effort session specific brick session depending upon cycle

8 1/2 hrs running
1 x progression session
1 x hill session
1 x MMM session (if you dont know what one is check out 48hrs with Tim Don on UTube)
1 x easy 2hr run inc tech
1 x tech/functionality/stretch session between the tuesday double day session
1 x 90min easy but including specific race pace efforts building in cycle as first session of double day
1 x effort session as part of the double day

Either Yoga or gym session once a week alternating

I love Yoga, Flexibility isn't my strong point so this helps me when the season hits as I can feel progression during the off season.

The gym work will be used to build strength and conditioning in the same way. I am looking to use the great facilities at the Norwich based Elite Strength and Conditioning centre on Britania Road.

I Hope the above gives you some idea of what im intending to put myself through.

I suppose we will find out if it works about this time next year.......:)

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About Me

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As an ex-National League Basketball player I took up triathlon as a development from cross training. I won my first Sprint distance race and placed second in my first Olympic distance. Since then I have raced the UK Elite Superseries coming 24th in the National Elite Champs, raced Vegas 70.3 WChamps and helped Paratriathlete Iain Dawson to World, European and National Titles. In 2011 I obtained Pro authorisation from the BTF and am pushing my development by stepping up to top level competition in 2012. Aside from this I am a L1 Swim and Tri coach and Professional Lloyds Broker.